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CNIL: take part in the public consultation on the draft recruitment guide!

The digitalization of recruitment is underway with the risk that the growing automation of the process will marginalize or eliminate any human decision.

The HR Tech market is flourishing. It offers ever more innovative solutions for recruitment assistance, ranging from the “simple” sorting of CVs to the ranking of applications, including the evaluation and scoring of candidates, the semantic evaluation of candidates, serious games, smart games, business games, etc., all with the help of AI.

At the heart of these innovative solutions is the processing of personal data.

The CNIL has published a draft “Recruitment” guide on the processing of personal data, as Deliberation No. 02-017 of March 21, 2002 has become partially obsolete.

All subjects are covered: from the most classic ones concerning personal data (what data to collect, for what duration, according to what information, etc.) to the most specific ones concerning recruitment (use of video, data collection on the Internet, etc.).

This guide, composed of 19 practical sheets, is intended for companies. Its objectives are to remind them of the regulations in force on data protection and to provide guidelines for using these new practices.

In order to gather comments from the recipients of this guide, the CNIL opened a public consultation allowing any interested person (recruiters, recruitment firms, temporary employment agencies and others) to contribute to the drafting of the final version.

Some companies have chosen to take this opportunity to comment on the drafting of this new guide. You can also take advantage of this opportunity to comment on a subject that concerns you in particular. We can assist you in this process if necessary.

The public consultation is open until November 19, 2021.

Laurent CARRIÉ
Image par Shutterstock
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